“Witch” & “Witchcraft”

Here is an exercise. Write a letter (could be on a piece of paper, document on your computer, blog post, etc.) to someone that is looking for more information on Witches and Witchcraft. You can only write 4 paragraph in the following order:
  1. Your definition of “Witch.”
  2. Your definition of “Witchcraft.”
  3. Your general knowledge on how you feel society in general accepts the practice of Witchcraft and why.
  4. One major goal you want to complete in your study of Witchcraft.
Be sure to date your letter if you aren’t posting it to a blog or aren’t saving it on a computer. Your goal can be anything; spiritual, mental, or physical. Ready? Good! Write away!
Merry Meet Sir/Madam,
A Witch is someone that is Spiritually connected to the Universe. He or she uses the Universal Energy along with their Energy to do various things such as Cast Spells, heal, contact the deceased, and more. A Witch is very knowledgeable and is always on a Spiritual Journey to learn more and become more and closer to the Universe.
Witchcraft is what the Witch practices, whether as a Religion or way of life. Witchcraft is using the Energy that the Universe provides to make Magick happen. Witchcraft is about putting the desire and intention out into the Universe and then letting the Universe take control of the wish.
I believe society, for the most part, is still against Witchcraft and Witches because it against many people’s Religious beliefs. It is seen as evil although it is not; for ages society has taught us to see Witches and Witchcraft in this way that it is hard to shake this view off.
My goal is to become more Spiritually-aware, to help others, and to free myself from feeling restricted in what I can do. I would eventually—years from now—like to start my own shop where I can sell items that would interest Witches and I would love to teach classes on Witchcraft and other similar topics.
Merry Part & Blessed Be,
Lady Cerridwen Brighid Morrigan
Now you try! Post a link if you have it on your own blog! I would love to see!
– Lady Cerridwen Brighid Morrigan
Silver RavenWolf gets mixed reviews but you can check out her book to see for yourself. Although you may not like everything about the bok nor agree with it, there are some gems within these pages! I wouldn’t recommend this to a total beginner, but someone with some knowledge of the Craft and/or their Path can find this useful as they can pick what information they want to keep and what to throw away. I recommend reading it at some point just to see what you can get from it for yourself! Buy it used for less than a dollar on Amazon (click below); it’s well-worth the money.