What is a Witch? A Witch’s Opinion!

The word “Witch” brings a lot to the table, so-to-speak. Some shudder at the word and point fingers claiming that a Witch is one that worships the devil. Others imagine flying on broomsticks or performing rituals and sacrificing animals or humans. Well, let me tell you, it is no easy task to explain what a Witch is. Well, speaking as a Witch, let me give you my opinion.

The Witch from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

First, let me tell you that a Witch will give you his or her opinion when you ask “What is a Witch?” You will probably receive as many different definitions as there are witches!

There are two main ways to answer this question. The first being that Witches, in history, have quite a bit to say. Sure, we all know that Witches were put to death for practicing Witchcraft or for other things considered Witchcraft such as knowledge of healing herbs, simple charms, midwiving, remedies, and so on. You’ll see here that a Witch was simply seen as one bewitching others. However, the further back in history you go, it turns out Witches were seen as holy, sacred, spiritual individuals. So, one can say, a Witch is a very spiritual individual that is connected with the elements and Universe.

The second way is for me to say that there is no way to accurately define a Witch since each is different. One Witch may claim that a Witch is one that practices The Craft, Divines, and connects with nature. The next Witch may say that a Witch is anyone that

connects with the Universe to use the Universal Energies along with their own Energies. See how difficult this can be?

It may be a good idea to ask each Witch you meet what his or her definition of a Witch is. It not only will be a good conversation starter and a good way to get to know each other, but also a great way for you to understand who this person is and isn’t. It is also a good idea, if you are a Witch, to tell others what your definition of a Witch is when you come out of the broom closet.

I have tried to keep my personal opinion out of this as much as possible. So now I’m going to give you my personal opinion of what a Witch is based off of how I see myself. I believe a Witch is someone that uses their Energy, the Universal Energy, and the Energy of a Higher Power. I believe a Witch is an individual that has recognized a Spiritual Awakening in his or her life that has called him or her to this path whether they use Witchcraft as a Religion or as a way of life (like myself). I believe a Witch is someone that is in tune with his or her Psychic Abilities to show that he or she is connected to the Spirit World (whether he or she is a Medium or not). I believe a Witch is one that is strong-willed, connected to everything around him or her, and is on a path of self-knowledge.

What is your definition of a Witch?

– Lady Cerridwen Brighid Morrigan

I highly recommend the following book to anyone interested in Witchcraft, Meditation, or Psychic Abilities. It is the best book I have ever read when it comes down to teaching the Craft from the beginning. It doesn’t talk about Spells but rather how to make them work, why they work, how to develop Psychic Abilities, how to Meditate, etc. This is all the foundation for Witchcraft! I remember feeling lost because I felt like all the other books just jumped into Spells but I didn’t even know how to do the Spells! This takes all the guess work out. His following books in the series go more in-depth.

The Inner Temple of Witchcraft: Magick, Meditation and Psychic Development (Penczak Temple Series)